Teething. I'm exhausted. It's been a couple of weeks of sleepless nights, a weekend of diarrhea, gnawing of my shoulder. And today my first call from the school. Never knew it could be so bad. Millie Bug ran a lil fever, but I barely noticed past the first front eight. And I had to acutally hunt down the teething toys. My lil man was puny and inconsolable today. So helpless -- him and me. Call me paranoid, but I took him to the pediatrician to rule out the yucky flu that's going around or strep. Doc officially called it a lil "fever virus." Poor Brother missed his MDO "party" and a Valentine playdate. I so wanted him to have a great day. He's resting soundly ... finally. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Maybe his little toothies will pop out and he can soon enjoy his treats. I want my energetic meddler monkey back!
OUCH! Hope he's feeling lots better!! We missed you both! Just posted lots of photos on our blog. Amelia was the perfect little lady!
Hey, Cori,
How's Abram? I hope he's feeling better!
Hi! He is, but he continues to have these teething episodes. I worry about taking him to school, but he did great this week.
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