I've mentioned before my little brother and my sister-in-law are new parents. My cousin also had his first child, Caroline Victoria, in December. And my sister is due with a baby boy in February. Babies, babies everywhere. I'm trying my best not to catch the fever, so to avoid it at all costs, I try to share what I know, not experience it. I was excited to venture to help my sister register for her baby needs just this past weekend.
Sometimes I look at my preschooler and toddler and marvel at how they got this far. What helped me survive in those early weeks and months? The following is a newborn survival kit of sorts Daddy and I couldn't live without at the time.
1. Pampers Swaddlers
2. cloth diapers -- Seems silly, but it pained me to use my monogrammed burp cloths, especially when administering meds.
3. Mylicon -- I had gassy babies. I had myself to blame. Shame on me, spicy-food-eating-nursing mother that I was.
4. Sassy disposable changing pads -- These can be hard to find. Toys R Us was usually a sure bet. These are great for that early tar poo and any time anything leaked out of the diaper. I could lay these over the changing pad and prevent a mess or cover those nasty ones in public restrooms when desparate.
5. Diaper Duck Trash Bag Dispenser by Munchkin -- These are ideal while on the go. They now have simpler, less conspicuous versions, but the ducky is a great way to occupy wiggly children while diaper-changing. If you have to change in the car or there's no garbage, they hold those stinky remnants until a can presents itself. They're also great for holding vomited or pooped on clothes until you can get home to put them in the wash.
6. Gerber nursing pads -- These are thinner and are less visible through the shirt than most nursing pads I tried. They hold a lot considering they're so thin.
7. Boppy -- Great for nursing. Great for post-pregnancy tummy support. Great for tummy time. Great for playtime. Great.
Surviving with Two:
1. Bumbo -- I didn't even think about using one when I had Millie Bug. Just didn't see any need in it, but I found it invaluable with a second child. When I had Millie, she was still in the highchair. This helped the baby build up his muscles. I could feed him in it, travel with it. Brother never really cared for tummy time, so I would sit him in it place his toys around him for play. It was also good so he could "play" with his sister and cousins. He would see them up and having a great time, and it helped him feel a part of things.
2. Baby Trand Sit and Stand LX Stroller -- Millie still needs to be secured while traveling, especially when shopping. This allows the baby to be seated and gives her the option to sit or stand. It's fairly light and oh so convenient.
What could you mommies not live without?
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Game Night

1 Millie Bug + 1 Brother = 2 players, which makes board games feasible at the appropriate age. I've hesitated introducing them in our household just because I know what my little boy would do with game pieces. But tonight after bath and book, I gave it a shot. I had a little extra energy stored up in case a game of memory became one of pick up sticks. There were plenty of lessons learned: patience, taking turns, honesty, fairness, order and memory. There was cheating, a meltdown but mostly praise and encouragement as we tried and succeeded. All in all, I'd call it a success. This means that after a 25-year or so wait, I now have an excuse for more Candy Land. What I would give for my old gameboard. That thing was nothing short of magical. I dreamed and imagined in Candy Land colors. Tonight's game, Charley Harper's Memory Game, was just as lovely. The illustrations really captivated the children. And it's an official "must-do" for game night with a 1.5-year-old and a 3.5-year-old. Believe it or not.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Gimme a tight hug
Brother 1 year

I don't believe I've ever received a better hug than those I receive from my Brother man. Abe hugs with his whole body, with his cheek pressed to mine, you know, so good it hurts. I've worried about a cracked jaw and choked neck before. But those are small prices to pay. His new thing is to wrap his arm around mine and rest his tiny face to my arm. I think he adores me and I him.
I slow danced with him a couple of days ago. The song our secret. But I couldn't help thinking about dancing with him on his wedding day and thinking back to that very moment. Somewhere out there is a pretty lil girl God is preparing for him and he her. Until she is revealed to him and captures his heart, I'll allow him to practice huggin' on me all he wants.

Brother 3 months
(Speaking of the lil man, there he goes.)
Daddy just commented on how he loves to hear Brother run around the house. Bare feet on hardwood floors. When we purchased this house after our first year of marriage, that's exactly what I had in mind.
Daddy and I often refer to Brother as our little accident, but he reminds us every day that
with God there are no such things.
Reason I Love My Husband No. 5
He loves my feet ... even though I don't. And I'll spare you any photos. But it's an honor I cherish because I know how discerning he is. Kind of like me with teeth.
Monday, June 8, 2009
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