Getting ready for Trunk-or-Treating at BUMC's Block Party!!! Thank you, Miss Angie, for always being such a great hostess!!!

Brother finally got the hang of it. First year out of the stroller. And Costume #1 for 2009.
Playing Batman!
Treats from Mimi and Papaw
Treats from Mimi and Papaw

Dance demo and wear-your-costume to class all in one night!!!

If you give a man a pumpkin ...

The Pumpkin Shine is a tradition. We usually go before the "shine" and in costume in order to make another event later that evening. You'll notice Brother in Costume #2. Max's wolf costume was still at the seamstress. Such a darling event!

Headed to the FBC Minden Fall Festival, another tradition. We always have a good time. Love the way this church family loves my kids. And my apologies to Millie Bug for the last photo. It's not very lady-like, but it sure is funny! Bless her heart! We forgot bloomers for Wonder Woman!

Millie Bug and Brother managed a trip to the dentist right at Halloween!!! Perfect checkup at that! Little did we know we'd be driving home from the appointment as the tornadoes were striking downtown.
We tackled Sci-Port's Halloween Festival. The children always have such a ball at that place.

Millie eating the World Famous Rice Krispies treats made by the one and only Queen of Halloween herself Aunt Beth! They were so good! Aunt Beth and Uncle Ricky had us over at their house Halloween night. Hands down, a hoot! Aunt Beth had every nook and cranny of her house decorated. My favorite spot was the "Sleepy Hollow" corner. The deck was "decked" out complete with a cauldron and spooky gate. We were treated to the Krispy treats, a snack tray, and "witch's brew." Totally worth the whole Candy Corn witch get-up I donned. I was duped into thinking I had to dress up to get my share of Rice Krispies treats! Whatever. It was worth it!!!

Sweet P's parents (Check out his blog to the right.) hosted a Halloween carnival at their home. It was so much fun! There were games, smores and plenty of goodies to eat, including some really awesome candied apples Mrs. Amanda made. Yummy!!

Our Motley Crew Halloween Night at Grandaddy and Becca's

Marlie and Me -- Millie loves lovin' on her baby cousin. These girls have to stick together. My sister is expecting a boy in February. Can't wait!!

Um. Not so sure what this is about. We started going to Monday night story time at the library because Millie is in school during the preschool hours during the week. Brother still goes to the baby and toddler class. His attention span isn't quite where it needs to be to attend preschool hour without disturbing the other children. Although, I will admit, he does behave better than most. In fact, he didn't move a muscle or make a peep during a recent viewing of "The Nutcracker." More on that later. But I was proud. Anyway, the kids get to wear their pjs to this story hour, and Dr. Spaghetti's their librarian.

Actually, these were taken early November. They're of the rising Ouachita River. It's the highest I've ever seen it. My dad, who owns a nuclear pharmacy downtown Monroe, took us on a little field trip. Funny thing is, I remember my daddy dangling my sister and I over the docks a la Michael Jackson when we were little. But he's a good daddy. The best, in fact, so no need to worry. We turned out just fine.
Looks like you all have a Halloween circuit. How fun for your kids!!! I love Abram's costumes and Wonder Woman's of course. So glad you all could come to the Halloween Party. Have a great day.
Once again I love the pictures, they are always my favorite thing to view. Rick & I were glad everyone could come by the house and I hope you all had enough to eat. Everyone looked "spooktacular" in their costume (no that is really not a word!). I loved the fact that Abram had three costumes. Every time you saw him, he was in a different one!
Also, someone has a birthday on Monday! We hope you have a wonderful day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Love to all,
Aunt Beth
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