Friday, October 31, 2008

One 'Spook'tacular Evening

Millie Bug and Brother sure had a wonderful Halloween, and we hope you did, too! The month has been so very busy, but it was nice to take it easy today and savor each and every moment with the children ... and the chocolate!
It all started with opening our special deliveries from The Great Pumpkin (aka Grandaddy and Becca).
Such a treat!

(Yes, I'm one of those mean mommas who makes Millie Bug and Brother wait to open mailed gifts on the day of the holiday, much like my parents did my sister and I growing up when we received gifts from my great aunt in California. The anticipation killed me. But it made the whole experience that much more fun.)
Inside the kiddos found ... "dollars"! Sweet!
The evening brought so many choices: Sci-Port, Pooh at Barnes & Noble, and Broadmoor Baptist's Fall Fest. We opted for Sci-Port, Millie Bug's most favorite place on earth.
Our first stop: the costume contest.
Here's our little contestants now.

Then we milked the
goat and learned about scales in the "Bible Times" exhibit.

Milking the Goat (BTW, Daddy "got" skills. Goat verbally responded.)

Millie Bug learning about weight

Millie Bug
balked at digging up bones in the planetarium, which severely disappointed her Daddy. Then it was on to the animals. Mommy's favorite part was a boa constricter. Wow! Was that thing huge. Millie Bug, of course, would have nothing of it. Brother on the other hand is no scaredy cat. Here he is petting the guinea pig, who was quite naked I might add.

nd then there was no hesitation when it came to dipping his hand into the cauldron.

Scared Millie Bug; Brave Millie Bug

Millie Bug, well,
it took some coaxing. OK, a lot of coaxing AND demonstrations.
A highlight was the witch's brew (homemade root beer).
There was a bean bag toss, a spider web (fishing) game, and of course the play area!
Daddy's not the only one with skills.

Lost her. Found her. She had already gotten comfortable with the face painter.

We had
to pry Millie Bug away for the costume contest winner announcement.
And guess who took first place in the children's category! Our little conductor!
Daddy was s
o proud. Definitely the highlight of his evening!

And the winner is ... the train conductor!

All the Winners (above); The Prize

We're home now. The trai
n conductor has retired to slumber, and Millie Bug? She's nurturing her brother's prize and capping her evening off with "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown".
What a classic. And so was our evening.

Happy Halloween!

Mommy & Millie Bug's Tootsie Pop Spider Craft


Sweet P Preston said...

Millie Bug and Brother look adorable for halloween. It looks like you all had a fun night.

Jessica said...

Way to go Abram!!! I love Amelia's braided hair! They both looked so cute :)

Cori said...

Thank you, guys! We did have a good time, but boy was it exhausting!