If all goes as planned, think mustaches on sticks and a DIY photo booth. Throw in a Walmart dress, black-sequined beret, a necktie and sneakers. Random ideas have been running through my head. Time is nigh to zero in and edit my vision.
Inspiration is coming from everywhere. A blog post here, a craft (mustaches on sticks) at the recent Villain Cotillion, a Crew Cuts catalog there. Lots of things must happen for this to work ... like the stars are gonna have to align for this one.
P.S. The Fair! A missed opportunity for a family photo shoot. For some time now, I have been thinking of incorporating some Polaroid-type carnival shots in the kids' room with plenty of aquas and yellows. Didn't think about a photo shoot there until the last day of the state fair here. DARN! One of my favorite personal photographers, Britney Smith, certainly did an editorial shoot there, and the pics looked amazing. So next year, yes, a state fair shoot is a must!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Cause for Hyperventilation
No. 1: About a week ago (that would be Nov. 8ish) I saw a house completely decorated for Christmas.
No. 2: I was behind a lady in line at Walmart with a TYPED grocery list.
And all of a sudden I can't breathe.
No. 2: I was behind a lady in line at Walmart with a TYPED grocery list.
And all of a sudden I can't breathe.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Bake Sale Update
An hour into the Santa's Workshop Sweet Shoppe sale and my cake was nowhere to be found! I hope whoever bought it is enjoying it with a tall glass of milk! It looked like the cakes were going for $18 and up, $20-25 for cakes of comparable size. The thought of my cake going for anything makes me happy. So glad I was able to help my baby girl's preschool make money to benefit her and her friends!
The workshop was so much fun! I even had a blast helping take out the trash!
The workshop was so much fun! I even had a blast helping take out the trash!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Bake Sale

My first bake sale. Call me crazy, but I'm excited. I signed up the first day of school at Millie's preschool to bring a "homemade" goodie for the sale. I pretty much had in mind from the get-go what I would bring. But as the deadline approached and they sent home a recipe card for tagging, it all of a sudden became real. I HAD to deliver! So the recipe: New Orleans Double Chocolate Praline Fudge Cake. I think I've posted about it before. A daily serving of calories in one slice. Does that ring a bell? The baking went extremely well. I premeasured and mapped out a strategy based on what has worked/not worked in the past. Perfectly toasted pecans. Check. Even cake layers. Check. A smooth ganache. Check. Now, the pralines didn't run off the sides of the cake like I had hoped.

I waited a tad too long before pouring, so it's a tad clumpy. But pralines are pralines. So hopefully what they lack in looks they'll make up in taste.
I think the most challenging part of this whole project was the packaging. I definitely wanted to take freshness and presentation into account. I thought about a domed cake plate with a cute liner and ribbon around the base, but budget became an issue. So I decided on a box. With a window! Who knew? Now, potential buyers could take a peek inside! Now I needed to jazz it up. Decisions, decisions. Plates , cute plates, that fit the box were hard to find. But I finally found one at Hobby Lobby. I definitely wanted to throw some grosgrain ... stitched red ... into the mix, and I found some cute felt gingerbread kid stickers and Christmas labels for embellishments. So on top of striving for an awesome cake, I hoped something would come together for an enticing package. So about five hours after start time, here's my entry for the bake sale. At the finish, the cake looked pretty plain all alone in the box. Luckily, I had a green sheet of scrapbook paper in my scrap box that made a perfect Christmas backdrop for my cake. So it's done!

(Please ignore that the cake itself is not centered on the plate. That bugs me.)
The entry was safely delivered to school this morning, but not without some adjustments in the car and not without a psych out by my husband, who returned home with a tale that it had been dropped by the sweet lady in carpool. Urgh! Of course, I'm thinking about my little cake, my labor of love, hoping it makes it through tomorrow in one piece. Praline has a tendency to crack, ganache to melt. Hopefully, I won't show up tomorrow to a puddle of chocolate. Hopefully, above all else, my cake won't be there at all. If I get there, and it's all alone in the corner with no owner, I might just melt myself. Or have to secretly con a friend to bid. Too bad my mom won't be able to make it!

Commander in Chic

Found a hot new nail color. Now, don't get me wrong -- I'm not really a nail person. Unless you count biting, and actually I gave up that habit years ago. Gross. Thank goodness. But I do enjoy an occasional manicure. And by occasional I mean like Mother's Day every other year and my wedding day. Ha. No, maybe not that bad. But anyway, it takes a lot to make me WANT to pursue a polish to own. Kind of like getting me to a movie at the theater. It's gotta look good ... really good. Anyway, I wanted a taupe and looked for a Sonia Koshak and Essie but came across a Sally Hansen of all things: Commander in Chic. It had a little more purple in it than I had hoped, but it turns out, I love it! And so I'm recommending it! Commander in Chic. Get it!
Back-Blogging ... Again ... But Not Quite Yet
Ha! Yes, I should be at it again soon, all two of my readers. I finally have a digital cam up and running, so pics and copy should ensue ... slowly but surely. I have a bag full of disposable cameras to develop, so it may take a while, but our summer and early fall were too fabulous not to document. Several biggies: Our Walk! Our friends and family are amazing! Preschool for both kiddos, birthdays for both, Halloween ... the list goes on. So stay tuned for bits and pieces of back-blogging (Is that a word?). Maybe it will be a special feature each week or something. Lord knows, it won't be the last time I have to back track.
Anyway, just a note to say we are alive and kickin' and are blessed beyond measure!
Anyway, just a note to say we are alive and kickin' and are blessed beyond measure!
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Have you seen these dollies yet? So precious! I found them one day perusing the aisles of Target. They immediately caught my eye. At the time, they were known as Bitty Button dolls. Upon further inspection, though, the dolls were almost creepy. I moved on. But still I came back to the doll. Something about the concept struck a chord. "Sew Magical! Sew Cute!" These dolls have that made-by-hand, nostalgic look about them, and I think that's what attracts me to them. The back story to the dolls is that they were handsewn from scraps of fabric and magically came to life. There are several dolls in the collection, each with her own personality and pet. I originally wanted Bea with her owlie as a back-to-school gift for Amelia but decided to wait. Birthday and Christmas were just around the corner. Big mistake. My next trip, they were gone. Walmart, gone. Toys R Us, gone. Online, gone. And then on a trip a couple of weeks ago I saw Bea ... just one ... at Target and again passed. Surely, more would be in soon.
Amelia had been saving up her money that her grandparents give her. And after seeing commercials for the newly monikered "Lalaloopsy" dolls, she determined that she wanted to spend her savings on Crumbs Sugar Cookie with her little mouse. I was so excited for her. And proud: the thought of her saving her money and earning something she wanted. So after school the next day, we went to Target ... still not a single doll. So I thought we'd try Walmart. I was almost nervous for her. I really wanted her to be happy. I spotted the doll almost immediately but didn't say anything. I watched her from the end of the aisle as she carefully inspected each row until finally, she spotted it! And not just any doll, Crumb Sugar Cookie. She squealed with delight. I grabbed her package for her, and we headed hand in hand to the checkout. On the way, she obliged a few photos. The joy on her face was palpable. Almost every sweet lady we passed, stopped to admire her and her soon-to-be new doll.
We had to wait to open the doll later in the afternoon. But the unveiling was an event in itself. We carefully peeled away the packaging, and finally, the doll was hers. Brother even took to the doll. She's such a cute doll, all the sweetness of a rag doll without the rags, which is good. She'll stay clean. Her head is even floppy. But she sits up well. And between her and floppy old Woody doll, my kids are in bliss. They've lugged their dollies to carpool, the library and a restaurant or two.
It may sound silly to fawn over something as silly as a doll, but the experience with my daughter was so heartwarming. So when I look at the doll, I'll remember the joy. And that ... makes this doll a treasure!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Empty Formula Cans
Rinse, Recycle, Re-use!
1. Desperately needed a way to organize Millie's headbands before school started. What to do, what to do? Enter my nephews empty formula cans! Cover them with decorative fabric or paper and voila: headband holder!
2. Collection Buckets -- In addition to the ones we get from the JDRF, we can make our own creative cans to collect donations. Sweet!
3. Pencil, Pen, Marker Holders -- Perfect solution to organizing back-to-school supplies. Again, fabric and paper!
Wish I had pics to show. I've killed my third digital and Mother's Day gift from my generous mother. She watched as it fell and hit her ceramic tile. So sorry, mama! So pics will be few and far between on the blog. I'm temporarily back to disposables. That's right! Had to sheepishly pull one out at Brother's Pre-K open house! Click and wind, click and wind! But I refused to let that moment go undocumented. Anyway, what did we do before digital cameras? I'm finding out ... again!
1. Desperately needed a way to organize Millie's headbands before school started. What to do, what to do? Enter my nephews empty formula cans! Cover them with decorative fabric or paper and voila: headband holder!
2. Collection Buckets -- In addition to the ones we get from the JDRF, we can make our own creative cans to collect donations. Sweet!
3. Pencil, Pen, Marker Holders -- Perfect solution to organizing back-to-school supplies. Again, fabric and paper!
Wish I had pics to show. I've killed my third digital and Mother's Day gift from my generous mother. She watched as it fell and hit her ceramic tile. So sorry, mama! So pics will be few and far between on the blog. I'm temporarily back to disposables. That's right! Had to sheepishly pull one out at Brother's Pre-K open house! Click and wind, click and wind! But I refused to let that moment go undocumented. Anyway, what did we do before digital cameras? I'm finding out ... again!
JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes
Getting so excited about our walk. The enormity of its significance really hits me sometimes. I mean it's not just a walk. It's a commitment to save lives. Lives like that of my beautiful daughter. And I'm not sure how it will affect me to see so many people uniting to support her in one place. Those two miles will be emotional ones!
No need for athletes, we want HEARTS!
Tomorrow's a big day. We go for a family team dinner. Several diabetics in one place for dinner. Ought to be an enlightening experience. I wonder what my Millie will think to see others her age checking their blood and getting an insulin shot just before a meal, just like she does. Just trying to picture it!
No need for athletes, we want HEARTS!
Tomorrow's a big day. We go for a family team dinner. Several diabetics in one place for dinner. Ought to be an enlightening experience. I wonder what my Millie will think to see others her age checking their blood and getting an insulin shot just before a meal, just like she does. Just trying to picture it!
Back-to-School Wardrobes
There are just some things in life I try to avoid. I know my inclinations do develop slight obsessions and that usually involves money, lots of money I'd rather be saving for practical things like say a new house with ... wait for it ... storage!!! (Remember Ramsey's "Total Money Makeover"? Car is paid off!)
But I also like to get things out of my system, so I rationalized a trip to Hock Your Smocks, an upscale consignment shop in Shreveport: back-to-school clothes.
I walked in and racked up! Plenty of smocked dresses for Millie. Plenty of Jon-Jons for Brother.
This was on top of scoring a steal at a Three Little Monkeys liquidation. My sorority sister owns her own childrens' clothing boutique. She decided to go wholesale, so she cleared out her merchandise. I was able to get $500-plus dollars worth of clothing for $100. Pants for $1. Cord longalls for $10? Seriously! I can't say I didn't feel a little guilty. I knew full well I was getting a "steal." But very grateful because my children will have nice wardrobes for school.
Finally, family friends. A good friend of Eric's that he works with has a little girl a few years older than Millie. Sweet Jennifer and her daughter sent Millie a pile of clothes, cute clothes! Sweet smocks and adorable jumpers!
It's funny how your view changes about hand-me-downs once you become a parent. I'm so glad I let go of my hang-up. Because now my kids will look smart for school.
But now I have consignment obsession, and I've shared it with my sister.
(BTW, as much as I'm elated with my stockpile of Jon-Jons, I did overlook one MINOR detail. Brother is a freshman pottier. Meaning we're lucky if he can get his pants down in time. Meaning fastening his own buttons are a no-go. And all that translates into no Jon-Jons at Pre-K. Darn! And I thought I was doing so good.)
But I also like to get things out of my system, so I rationalized a trip to Hock Your Smocks, an upscale consignment shop in Shreveport: back-to-school clothes.
I walked in and racked up! Plenty of smocked dresses for Millie. Plenty of Jon-Jons for Brother.
This was on top of scoring a steal at a Three Little Monkeys liquidation. My sorority sister owns her own childrens' clothing boutique. She decided to go wholesale, so she cleared out her merchandise. I was able to get $500-plus dollars worth of clothing for $100. Pants for $1. Cord longalls for $10? Seriously! I can't say I didn't feel a little guilty. I knew full well I was getting a "steal." But very grateful because my children will have nice wardrobes for school.
Finally, family friends. A good friend of Eric's that he works with has a little girl a few years older than Millie. Sweet Jennifer and her daughter sent Millie a pile of clothes, cute clothes! Sweet smocks and adorable jumpers!
It's funny how your view changes about hand-me-downs once you become a parent. I'm so glad I let go of my hang-up. Because now my kids will look smart for school.
But now I have consignment obsession, and I've shared it with my sister.
(BTW, as much as I'm elated with my stockpile of Jon-Jons, I did overlook one MINOR detail. Brother is a freshman pottier. Meaning we're lucky if he can get his pants down in time. Meaning fastening his own buttons are a no-go. And all that translates into no Jon-Jons at Pre-K. Darn! And I thought I was doing so good.)
Day 3: Happy Fourth of July!
Like a month-plus later! Ha. But this day was just as grand as the others!
Family pictures, fun and food! My family loves to grill!
Check out these Roberts grandbabies!

Later that night, Daddy bought way too many fireworks, and he and Uncle Rusty popped them for the kids. Millie Bug and Brother were so funny! They hate the noise. So THE WHOLE TIME, they watched with their ears covered!!!
It was one of those nights when you just didn't want to get down to the last firecracker. Soon, it would be back to the old stomp and grind ... away from family.
Family pictures, fun and food! My family loves to grill!
Check out these Roberts grandbabies!

Later that night, Daddy bought way too many fireworks, and he and Uncle Rusty popped them for the kids. Millie Bug and Brother were so funny! They hate the noise. So THE WHOLE TIME, they watched with their ears covered!!!
It was one of those nights when you just didn't want to get down to the last firecracker. Soon, it would be back to the old stomp and grind ... away from family.
Day 2
On Day 2 of our 4th weekend, we slept late, of course! Then we went for lunch at Portico. I had the best mahi, mahi grilled sandwich. Why have I never visited this place until now!? After that, it looked like a storm was moving in, but I had promised to take Millie to a cute little girly boutique on Louisville. She desperately wanted a "satchel" and "journal" a la American Girl Kit. So we went. It was so nice to shop with my girl along (Daddy and Abe stayed in the car. No complaints. Thanks, guys!) Millie emerged with the cutest pink ballet messenger satchel and a diary ... with a lock. To keep Brother out of course! She was so cute!
Afterward, Mommy and Daddy jaunted across the street for some adult beverages. A friend had introduced my sister to a fabulous peach margarita! Boy, is it the best ever!
Then we went back to mom and dad's for more family time.
Have I told you I love my brothers and sister? And my mom and dad?
My dad loves that we miss being home so much! Nothing makes him happier than to have us all together. We don't have to do anything, just be. And it's so comforting.
Afterward, Mommy and Daddy jaunted across the street for some adult beverages. A friend had introduced my sister to a fabulous peach margarita! Boy, is it the best ever!
Then we went back to mom and dad's for more family time.
Have I told you I love my brothers and sister? And my mom and dad?
My dad loves that we miss being home so much! Nothing makes him happier than to have us all together. We don't have to do anything, just be. And it's so comforting.
Monday, July 5, 2010
One Spectacular Weekend: Day 1
Wow! I just don't want this weekend to end. It was a great one ... from beginning to end. I'm so glad my husband could travel with me and the children as we spent hours and hours celebrating our country's independence with friends and family.
It all started with a taco dinner Friday evening to honor Sweet Caroline, my cousin's daughter. My cousin Q lives in North Carolina with his wife and 6-month-old daughter. This was the first time our family has gotten to see her since she was born. Caroline is quite honestly the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. Stunning.
We enjoyed homemade authentic tacos with all the fixings including freshly canned hot sauce. Daddy can drink that stuff out of the jar. It was fun visiting with everyone. I have some beautiful aunts and incredibly gifted cousins. There were so many kiddos! With the races, the conversation, kids playing and newborns crying, it was a circus. But it was just music to my ears. I'm sure my Grandma Vicky got a kick out of the full house. Sad thing is not everyone could make it. They were missed!
Monday, June 28, 2010
A Cub Reporter and an Itty Bitty Scientist
Millie Bug and I were able to enjoy a "girlie day." It included a free movie, "Kit Kittridge," and the Itty Bitty Scientist program at Sci-Port.
The theater shows these movies as part of its Family Film Fest. And it's such a great deal! We loved the movie based on the American Girl doll. It was the perfect mother-daughter film. Millie walked out wanting her own typewriter and reporter's notebook. That's something I definitely can handle!
After the movie, we went straight to the science center. It, too, was a great program. Check out Millie's project!
Summer Reading Kickoff Luau

The children had so much fun at the luau. We were able to put together our costumes with dress-up items from home and a few Dollar Tree finds. I worked the necklace booth, and Ienjoyed meeting the neighborhood children and seeing how creative they all were. Not sure what the children's favorite part was ... maybe limbo and free dance with Dr. Spaghetti afterward!
The Pool

On a stop to pay for tennis lessons on our way to the city spray ground, we realized the rec pool was actually open this year. Upon further investigation, Daddy found out it was being run by Rock Solid. Yay! So, we decided to cool down on this hot first day of June. It was such an enjoyable experience. The pool was very clean, not crowded, the manager enforced the rules, and the teenage lifeguards were professional and courteous. This is great exercise for the family, and we've taken advantage of every chance we get to go. It's been a scorcher of a summer so far.
Going to Grandma's
When I was little, I couldn't wait for summer because that meant Grandma's. Forget weekend trips, my sister and I would stay weeks if we wanted. Grandma Vicky and Papaw Frank had few rules. And it looks like it's pretty much the same for my children with their Mimi.

Brother had to improvise a bit.

This makes me nervous, but it's cute all the same. Brother's wearing the hat Papaw and Mimi picked up for him on their trip to a Texas Rangers' game. He would not take it off. Also, notice those awesome pancake portion sizes. Watching those carbs for Millie Bug. Thanks, Mimi!

Brother had to improvise a bit.

This makes me nervous, but it's cute all the same. Brother's wearing the hat Papaw and Mimi picked up for him on their trip to a Texas Rangers' game. He would not take it off. Also, notice those awesome pancake portion sizes. Watching those carbs for Millie Bug. Thanks, Mimi!
Somehow, Millie Bug managed to get Papaw's binoculars.
She loves this kind of stuff, and I'm sure it was followed with a "field journal" entry.
She loves this kind of stuff, and I'm sure it was followed with a "field journal" entry.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Exercise is a key component of Millie's diabetes regimen. She and Brother stay very active, but I'm really wanting to get creative with the exercise. I certainly don't want them to get bored and turned off. As Millie says, "Variety is the spice of life, Mom." And it is a healthy, long-term lifestyle we hope to develop.

So, biking is a given for any child when it comes to exercise. And I'm eyeing these sweet cruisers for Millie and myself.
River City Cycling on Youree has a Trek sign posted. Might have to check them out after vacation! I anticipate us having to save up our allowance for these babies, though.
I can so see us enjoying late afternoon (when it's not so hot) rides with bells and baskets, of course! Trips to the library seem even more enchanting with these.
Cotton candy sweet, don't you think?

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Millie's Hot "Shots"
In September, we will walk to raise funds for diabetes research. We are looking forward to the walk and gathering up our closest friends and family to participate with us. Please consider joining us by going to the jdrf.org. Here's our link.There is no cost to do so, only a committment to raise funds. You can set a goal for as little or as much as you would like.
I think I am most looking forward to the opportunity for Millie to meet other children with diabetes. I like that we're spreading the word ... together.
I plan to design a T-shirt, too, for our team, so after you sign up, be on the lookout for those as well.
I think I am most looking forward to the opportunity for Millie to meet other children with diabetes. I like that we're spreading the word ... together.
I plan to design a T-shirt, too, for our team, so after you sign up, be on the lookout for those as well.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Exciting Week Ahead
Opening Day 2009 Goodies
Lots to look forward to this week.
1. Tennis Lessons -- Millie will start on Tuesday. So excited!
2. Summer Reading Club Kickoff -- Millie and Abe have been members each year since they were born. Millie signed up for her library card at birth and started attending story time at 4 months. Brother started attending earlier as a tag-a-long to his big sister's toddler time. Needless to say, they love the library. I have volunteered to help with registration while Daddy will supervise them at the luau kickoff. We're getting our costumes ready and can't wait. Dr. Spaghetti and staff have worked really hard to make this summer's reading club better than ever.
Can't wait to see what the kiddos read this summer. We really like to bring our stories to life with costumes and props, food and crafts. I've thought about starting them a little book club. Wouldn't that be fun??? Each child reads the same book at home and then we come together for a playdate centered around the story. We'll see what we can cook up.
3. Farmers' Market Opening -- I heart fresh veggies. Last year, I was so excited, I brought a new sundress just for the opening, woke up bright and early and shopped till my heart's desire. Some of the items I picked up were the jalepeno cheese bread, jelly, blueberries, blackberries, squash, honey. My. Mouth. Is. Watering. I made my first cobbler from a Williams-Sonoma recipe -- mixed berry. So yummy. Hope that with a little tinkering of the recipe, I can make something Millie Bug can eat. This year, the managers of the market promise an even bigger and better shopping experience, so I'm counting down the minutes.
Inspired by a community garden I've seen recently, I've really wanted to plant my own garden in the back yard. I know absolutely nothing about gardening. Ha. But you've got to start somewhere. I'm pretty sure we have too many squirrels and other critters to be a successful gardener, but the library has this cute kid-friendly container gardening book I may pick up. Maybe I should start small and work my way up.
4. Beach Vacation in a Few -- Already started packing!!!
1. Tennis Lessons -- Millie will start on Tuesday. So excited!
2. Summer Reading Club Kickoff -- Millie and Abe have been members each year since they were born. Millie signed up for her library card at birth and started attending story time at 4 months. Brother started attending earlier as a tag-a-long to his big sister's toddler time. Needless to say, they love the library. I have volunteered to help with registration while Daddy will supervise them at the luau kickoff. We're getting our costumes ready and can't wait. Dr. Spaghetti and staff have worked really hard to make this summer's reading club better than ever.
Can't wait to see what the kiddos read this summer. We really like to bring our stories to life with costumes and props, food and crafts. I've thought about starting them a little book club. Wouldn't that be fun??? Each child reads the same book at home and then we come together for a playdate centered around the story. We'll see what we can cook up.
3. Farmers' Market Opening -- I heart fresh veggies. Last year, I was so excited, I brought a new sundress just for the opening, woke up bright and early and shopped till my heart's desire. Some of the items I picked up were the jalepeno cheese bread, jelly, blueberries, blackberries, squash, honey. My. Mouth. Is. Watering. I made my first cobbler from a Williams-Sonoma recipe -- mixed berry. So yummy. Hope that with a little tinkering of the recipe, I can make something Millie Bug can eat. This year, the managers of the market promise an even bigger and better shopping experience, so I'm counting down the minutes.
Inspired by a community garden I've seen recently, I've really wanted to plant my own garden in the back yard. I know absolutely nothing about gardening. Ha. But you've got to start somewhere. I'm pretty sure we have too many squirrels and other critters to be a successful gardener, but the library has this cute kid-friendly container gardening book I may pick up. Maybe I should start small and work my way up.
4. Beach Vacation in a Few -- Already started packing!!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Ice Cream Sundays

Millie loves ice cream.
(Thank you, Sweet P's Mommy for the recipe! I think it calls for an ice cream social soon ... for the kids, of course, ... wink, wink!)
As with any diet, her diet is more about portion control than deprivation. She can still eat what she likes, just not as much and at certain times. If there is any blessing associated with diabetes, it's that if you are vigilant and responsible, you can learn to eat healthy for a lifetime. Through this blog and Facebook, so many have shared their stories of friends and family members with diabetes. Some say they are healthier than most, that their A1Cs are better than most, that their eyesight is better than most. Point: We have no idea what bad food can do to any of our bodies. A silent killer, indeed.
Anyway, we've enjoyed trying new things. But sometimes, convenience is key. So often we have to snack, and it's just easy to have food already nice and portioned for us. When it comes to ice cream, it's so easy to fudge when you have to dip into that creamy gallon of Blue Bell. My first thought was let's look for something with Splenda or low-, no-sugar. But then I came across the little party ice creams -- the single-serves. Perfect! 12 grams of carbs. I added a little squirt of whipped cream (less than 4 grams of carbs, so it's "free") and a few drops of chocolate syrup, and VOILA!!! my baby has an ice cream sundae on Sunday. And the entire family enjoyed one on the front porch in the already sweltering Louisiana heat.
Now, that brings us to our next obstacle: How do we deal with the ice cream truck? Yes, they're creepy to begin with, but what child doesn't love hearing that music, frantically dumping their piggy bank and dashing out to catch the truck with the frozen treats?
Well, yesterday, we "got to that bridge." And I wasn't ready "to cross it." So instead of saying "No, you can't eat anything on there, baby." I just took my time and the truck had driven off before she could gather her allowance.
Later, I gave some thought to how I would handle the situation next time. Sometimes the chase is all the fun, so I think we'll play that part up. As for the sweets, allow her to get what she wants. It may mean she may not be able to eat the entire treat or at that particular time, but I'm sure it's manageable.
Summer and ice cream just go hand-in-hand. And I can remember moving to a "big city" and hearing and seeing an ice cream truck for the first time, and well, it was magical. My parents always made it such an exciting treat for us kids, so there's no way I'm depriving my baby girl of this summertime experience.
So here's to sweet sundaes on sweltering summer Sundays! Say that fast 10 times!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sparkling Jewel

"Sparkling Jewels"
2 p.m. May 15 The Strand Theatre
I reluctantly volunteered to serve as a backstage mother. It was just too much of a risk sending Millie backstage with all those snacks and too much of a hassle to explain glucagon to an unwitting, already frazzled mother. Little did I know, one of the residents who had assisted Dr. McVie the day he first administered Millie's first insulin shot was also a P&G backstage mom! Love how God watches out for us that way. Millie did great with her schedule and snacks backstage. Although, it was difficult to watch her dance from the wings, I'm thinking she did more dancing backstage than on stage. But she had a great time.
She was chosen to present flowers to the dance teachers at the end of the recital. She was so happy to present Miss Kourtney, her teacher from last year, her flowers.
We were all so proud of her. Afterward, she was showered with flowers and gifts, and we went out for her favorite: tacos. Her magical evening was capped with her first overnight visit with Mimi without me since being diagnosed. Everyone did great! Lots of planning ahead, but we made it!
Served my time as backstage mom.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Found this on the Internet today. Thought I'd share.
"Welcome to Holland"
by Emily Perl Kingsley
"I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability - to try to help people who have not shared that unique experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel. It's like this......
"When you're going to have a baby, it's like planning a fabulous vacation trip - to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. The Michelangelo David. The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very exciting.
"After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, "Welcome to Holland."
"Holland?!?" you say. "What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy! I'm supposed to be in Italy. All my life I've dreamed of going to Italy."
"But there's been a change in the flight plan. They've landed in Holland and there you must stay.
The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It's just a different place.
"So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.
"It's just a different place. It's slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around.... and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills....and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts.
"But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy... and they're all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life, you will say "Yes, that's where I was supposed to go. That's what I had planned."
"And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever go away... because the loss of that dream is a very very significant loss.
"But... if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things ... about Holland."
"Welcome to Holland"
by Emily Perl Kingsley
"I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability - to try to help people who have not shared that unique experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel. It's like this......
"When you're going to have a baby, it's like planning a fabulous vacation trip - to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. The Michelangelo David. The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very exciting.
"After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, "Welcome to Holland."
"Holland?!?" you say. "What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy! I'm supposed to be in Italy. All my life I've dreamed of going to Italy."
"But there's been a change in the flight plan. They've landed in Holland and there you must stay.
The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It's just a different place.
"So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.
"It's just a different place. It's slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around.... and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills....and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts.
"But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy... and they're all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life, you will say "Yes, that's where I was supposed to go. That's what I had planned."
"And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever go away... because the loss of that dream is a very very significant loss.
"But... if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things ... about Holland."
Sunday, May 23, 2010
When Life Hands You Lemons ...
Make Lemonade!!!

And that's what we're gonna do. Millie's summertime dream of her very own lemonade stand is going to come true this summer. ... And we hope it will be grand. Of course, it will be diabetic friendly lemonade. All proceeds will benefit the juvenile diabetes research foundation, even though Millie did try to finagle a treehouse.
Our family is working hard brainstorming on the sugary sweet details. So continue to stay tuned. We're very excited. And hope you will join us to raise awareness and funds for an organization that has already helped us so much as we've embarked on our diabetic journey.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Let it Go
I cried for two hours on the phone to my mom, mostly out of pure exhaustion. And then another two to my sister.
I try my hardest to stay positive in front of the children. Millie is so loving and sensitive. If I sniff, she asks me if I'm OK, often keeping her eye on me to make sure my sniffles don't become sobs. But last night I had reached my limit. I waited until dinner was served, excused myself and tiptoed to the office to release. It included a few punches to the mound of laundry yet to be folded and a few muffled screams from my gut.
Most of the time, I am hopeful about Millie's diabetes, but sometimes, I let my thoughts wander to the "what ifs" and the "whys" and the "hows." This may have been prompted as I worked on an end-of-the-year gift for her teacher, sifting through photos just weeks and months before she possibly became ill. I want so bad to go back to those care-free days, to erase the very point at which her cells became attacked. It's difficult to look at pictures and wonder, "Was she sick here?" Or to see something that should have signaled to us that she was sick and wonder, "Why didn't we catch that?" The signs were there, "Why didn't we see the big picture?"
And I get angry. I hate that nothing in her life from here forward will come easy for her. That everything ... dance, tennis, school, piano, sleepovers, trips to grandmas, vacations, birthday parties, receptions, meals ... will be a challenge for her. And I never dreamed of that for her. I had so many expectations, so many hopes ... for a perfectly healthy, happy life.
To which my mom replied, "Let it go. Let it go, Cori." (The second ever so lovingly yet stern.)
To which my sister replied, let it go.
To which my husband replied, let it go.
If I was the tattoo-acquiring type, I'd probably get that etched on my inner wrist, to look down and remind myself. Or for a loose translation, let The Beatles' "Let it Be" play in my head.
She will FIGHT. She will EARN her praises. She will be STRONG, a stronger person, and will be BETTER for it.
For those who have witnessed her taking her thrice-daily shots, who have seen her count her carbs, who have watched her prep her shot, they are amazed. It is obvious God has amazing things in store for her.
Life is not perfect. It is not fair. I thought I learned that a long time ago.
I try my hardest to stay positive in front of the children. Millie is so loving and sensitive. If I sniff, she asks me if I'm OK, often keeping her eye on me to make sure my sniffles don't become sobs. But last night I had reached my limit. I waited until dinner was served, excused myself and tiptoed to the office to release. It included a few punches to the mound of laundry yet to be folded and a few muffled screams from my gut.
Most of the time, I am hopeful about Millie's diabetes, but sometimes, I let my thoughts wander to the "what ifs" and the "whys" and the "hows." This may have been prompted as I worked on an end-of-the-year gift for her teacher, sifting through photos just weeks and months before she possibly became ill. I want so bad to go back to those care-free days, to erase the very point at which her cells became attacked. It's difficult to look at pictures and wonder, "Was she sick here?" Or to see something that should have signaled to us that she was sick and wonder, "Why didn't we catch that?" The signs were there, "Why didn't we see the big picture?"
And I get angry. I hate that nothing in her life from here forward will come easy for her. That everything ... dance, tennis, school, piano, sleepovers, trips to grandmas, vacations, birthday parties, receptions, meals ... will be a challenge for her. And I never dreamed of that for her. I had so many expectations, so many hopes ... for a perfectly healthy, happy life.
To which my mom replied, "Let it go. Let it go, Cori." (The second ever so lovingly yet stern.)
To which my sister replied, let it go.
To which my husband replied, let it go.
If I was the tattoo-acquiring type, I'd probably get that etched on my inner wrist, to look down and remind myself. Or for a loose translation, let The Beatles' "Let it Be" play in my head.
She will FIGHT. She will EARN her praises. She will be STRONG, a stronger person, and will be BETTER for it.
For those who have witnessed her taking her thrice-daily shots, who have seen her count her carbs, who have watched her prep her shot, they are amazed. It is obvious God has amazing things in store for her.
Life is not perfect. It is not fair. I thought I learned that a long time ago.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Stay Tuned
Keep your eyes and ears open for our summer project we hope will raise awareness for juvenile diabetes!
And best wishes to Bret Michaels, who will compete in the finale of "Celebrity Apprentice." Can't say that I've watched, but I do wish him the best as he continues his efforts to Stop Diabetes.
And best wishes to Bret Michaels, who will compete in the finale of "Celebrity Apprentice." Can't say that I've watched, but I do wish him the best as he continues his efforts to Stop Diabetes.
A Little Piece of Heaven

My (Millie's) Bella Bit arrived in the mail today. It will pair perfectly with her MJ Cher dress. Can't wait to see it on her. Thank you Katie, photographer, crafter, mommy extraordinaire! Check out her etsy site for more creative pretties.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Questions I Fielded Today
Mom, when I get better can I go eat at Cici's?
When I'm 5 will I still be diabetic?
When I'm 5 will I still be diabetic?
Sunday, April 18, 2010
By Millie Bug
April 18, 2010
I tee-tee on a stick. I check my blood. And I check insulin. And I eat the right food when my momma says, and I have a bear that has diabetes. If my momma tells me something I should have eaten, you should too when you are sick or hurt, you should do that, too. My mom and dad, they love me. I go the doctor. I have a meter that can suck up my blood. And if it’s high, you have to take insulin.
I have a dance recital.
And don’t forget I love my momma so much, and I love her much, much more than a world, than the universe.My momma lets me go to the park. I swing on the swing sets. I slide down the slide, and I climb up the monkey bars. And I climb the steps on the playground board, and I get to go on the merry-go-round on the boardwalk.
The End
A First: I shot up my daughter with insulin in the restroom of IHOP. I felt like a junkie.
April 18, 2010
I tee-tee on a stick. I check my blood. And I check insulin. And I eat the right food when my momma says, and I have a bear that has diabetes. If my momma tells me something I should have eaten, you should too when you are sick or hurt, you should do that, too. My mom and dad, they love me. I go the doctor. I have a meter that can suck up my blood. And if it’s high, you have to take insulin.
I have a dance recital.
And don’t forget I love my momma so much, and I love her much, much more than a world, than the universe.My momma lets me go to the park. I swing on the swing sets. I slide down the slide, and I climb up the monkey bars. And I climb the steps on the playground board, and I get to go on the merry-go-round on the boardwalk.
The End
A First: I shot up my daughter with insulin in the restroom of IHOP. I felt like a junkie.
I'm sitting here listening to make sure my baby is breathing. Just like I did when she was a newborn. I'm scared to go to sleep, too afraid. All I really want to do is cry, just cry and scream. I'm angry, scared, guilty.
Gone are her chubby baby thighs, cheeks and pudgy fingers. Boney, knobby joints and gaunt stares are left in return.
My 4-year-old baby deals with such adult things as insulin, carbohydrates and ketones now and forever. Oh how I long to hear her just sing her alphabet or watch her eat with abandon.
She wants juice, ice cream, corndogs. All the things that complete a childhood. And for her it seems that childhood is over. We've said goodbye to so many things this week.
And sometimes I know we are so gonna conquer diabetes and others times, I feel completely defeated already ... Day 3 of a lifetime ... and we're exhausted.
I can distinctly recall thinking, man, are we blessed. Life can't get any better, knowing full well our trials will come and just not knowing in what form.
Our trial is Type 1 diabetes ... wreaking havoc silently within my Millie Bug's body.
Even in dispair, I know our God is mighty. I know He promises brighter days! I know He will give us strength to edure. And I know He has a beautiful and perfect plan for Millie. He has chosen Eric and I for her. And I hope we prove worthy. We are so blessed. He has shown my baby mercy already in that He allowed us to discover her illness early and begin treatment before the usual trip to the ICU that is so common with pediatric diabetes patients.
He is revealing Himself to us in so many ways. He is amazing. And He made her amazing. I'm so honored to witness her play out the story He has written for her.
So far it is beautiful and perfect in every way.
Gone are her chubby baby thighs, cheeks and pudgy fingers. Boney, knobby joints and gaunt stares are left in return.
My 4-year-old baby deals with such adult things as insulin, carbohydrates and ketones now and forever. Oh how I long to hear her just sing her alphabet or watch her eat with abandon.
She wants juice, ice cream, corndogs. All the things that complete a childhood. And for her it seems that childhood is over. We've said goodbye to so many things this week.
And sometimes I know we are so gonna conquer diabetes and others times, I feel completely defeated already ... Day 3 of a lifetime ... and we're exhausted.
I can distinctly recall thinking, man, are we blessed. Life can't get any better, knowing full well our trials will come and just not knowing in what form.
Our trial is Type 1 diabetes ... wreaking havoc silently within my Millie Bug's body.
Even in dispair, I know our God is mighty. I know He promises brighter days! I know He will give us strength to edure. And I know He has a beautiful and perfect plan for Millie. He has chosen Eric and I for her. And I hope we prove worthy. We are so blessed. He has shown my baby mercy already in that He allowed us to discover her illness early and begin treatment before the usual trip to the ICU that is so common with pediatric diabetes patients.
He is revealing Himself to us in so many ways. He is amazing. And He made her amazing. I'm so honored to witness her play out the story He has written for her.
So far it is beautiful and perfect in every way.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Enjoying the Small Things
Please take a moment to click on and read Kelle Hampton's raw recount of the birth of her second daughter Nella Cordelia, who has Down syndrome.
Her story is very touching. And although different, I can totally relate -- coming to grips with the reality that her life, her daughter's life are anything but perfect. I experience the same heartbreak and fear as we journey into Millie's probable diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes. Sometimes the fear is paralyzing and overwhelming. I have no time to take a breath as I watch the overwhelming wave of reality engulf and sting me to my very core.
I have yet to share the details of Millie's story for fear it acknowledges the truth. I'm just not there yet. But Kelle is, and she's very elloquent at doing so. I pray her story touches you as it has me.
Her story is very touching. And although different, I can totally relate -- coming to grips with the reality that her life, her daughter's life are anything but perfect. I experience the same heartbreak and fear as we journey into Millie's probable diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes. Sometimes the fear is paralyzing and overwhelming. I have no time to take a breath as I watch the overwhelming wave of reality engulf and sting me to my very core.
I have yet to share the details of Millie's story for fear it acknowledges the truth. I'm just not there yet. But Kelle is, and she's very elloquent at doing so. I pray her story touches you as it has me.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
No Way!
Found my cell after 6 months and only a couple of days of acknowledging so in writing. No way! Amelia spotted it. It had fallen between my headboard and my mattress -- a place I've looked 1,000 times. I promise. Hope is a good thing.
Friday, January 8, 2010
What I'm Reading Now: Month No. 1
These are a few of my favorite things ...
Well, two anyway.
Sorry. No Pics. Again. 2 USBs Lost. Gone. 2009 was The Year of the Lost. Because I also lost my cell with many "first" pics of my children. Like the first time Abe sat in a grocery cart. Can't dwell on it, or I will cry. But barring it was flushed down the toilet, tossed in the trash, or thrown out with Goodwill, it will turn up one day. Ahh, hope.
Anyway, on to two of my favorite things: No. 1: School Aids, spectacular teachers' supply store on Youree. I could spend hours in there. The workbooks, the puzzles, the books! Almost makes me want to home school. Coupons can often be found in Red River Moms magazine. Grab them; you'll need them.
And favorite thing No. 2: Old Farmer's Almanac General Store in the Boardwalk. They sell the old-fashioned lemon drops my dad used to sell in his pharmacy years ago. They have cute paper doll books, knick-knacks, cooking utensils (an awesome cast-iron griddle). This fall/winter I eyed their Halloween and Christmas garlands. A little pricey when I can make them myself. But so beautiful to look at. I could go on and on about how charming this mercantile is. Probably a little more fancy than the Olsens' or the Godseys', but still full of nostalgia nonetheless. Oh, and I googled them and found some online coupons, and I'm sure the Boardwalk coupon book has some kind of offer from them.
P.S. Even if I had USB cords to download my pics, you wouldn't see any pics from the inside of this store as they ban photos. So, I guess they want you to see it for yourself to believe it???? P.S.S. This store is not stroller-friendly. There is no room to maneuver. But if you insist, like I did during Christmas, there's a nice worker there with an amazing foreign accent (wink, wink) who will be more than happy to clear a path for you.
There you have it -- two of my favorite things.
Sorry. No Pics. Again. 2 USBs Lost. Gone. 2009 was The Year of the Lost. Because I also lost my cell with many "first" pics of my children. Like the first time Abe sat in a grocery cart. Can't dwell on it, or I will cry. But barring it was flushed down the toilet, tossed in the trash, or thrown out with Goodwill, it will turn up one day. Ahh, hope.
Anyway, on to two of my favorite things: No. 1: School Aids, spectacular teachers' supply store on Youree. I could spend hours in there. The workbooks, the puzzles, the books! Almost makes me want to home school. Coupons can often be found in Red River Moms magazine. Grab them; you'll need them.
And favorite thing No. 2: Old Farmer's Almanac General Store in the Boardwalk. They sell the old-fashioned lemon drops my dad used to sell in his pharmacy years ago. They have cute paper doll books, knick-knacks, cooking utensils (an awesome cast-iron griddle). This fall/winter I eyed their Halloween and Christmas garlands. A little pricey when I can make them myself. But so beautiful to look at. I could go on and on about how charming this mercantile is. Probably a little more fancy than the Olsens' or the Godseys', but still full of nostalgia nonetheless. Oh, and I googled them and found some online coupons, and I'm sure the Boardwalk coupon book has some kind of offer from them.
P.S. Even if I had USB cords to download my pics, you wouldn't see any pics from the inside of this store as they ban photos. So, I guess they want you to see it for yourself to believe it???? P.S.S. This store is not stroller-friendly. There is no room to maneuver. But if you insist, like I did during Christmas, there's a nice worker there with an amazing foreign accent (wink, wink) who will be more than happy to clear a path for you.
There you have it -- two of my favorite things.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Footed Pajama Day!
Luckily, Mimi thought ahead and outfitted the kiddos with new sets of zip-up footed pajamas. Just in time for the record-breaking weather we're having here. Some kind of Arctic something or other. Foreign words. No matter. All we know is it's cold. Colder than we're used to.
Really makes us rethink the cute, quaint, older home built off the ground thing.
Anyway, we're pretty excited around here. No school!!!! A real snow day, minus the snow. But that doesn't mean we can't cozy up. Today will include playing board games, listening to our new science CD by They Might be Giants (no joke!), eating chicken and dumplings (Thank you, Sweet P's mommy, for the fb status update and thus the craving!), craft projects and maybe a little pleasure reading for me or even EXERCISE.
Believe it or not, I'm aching for a run. I need it. Fattening up for the winter is for bears or something. But you would think I was prepping for hibernation. The bike might have to do. Anyway, it's footed pajama day! And pretty much anything goes AS LONG AS YOU KEEP THOSE TOOTSIES TOASTY!
Really makes us rethink the cute, quaint, older home built off the ground thing.
Anyway, we're pretty excited around here. No school!!!! A real snow day, minus the snow. But that doesn't mean we can't cozy up. Today will include playing board games, listening to our new science CD by They Might be Giants (no joke!), eating chicken and dumplings (Thank you, Sweet P's mommy, for the fb status update and thus the craving!), craft projects and maybe a little pleasure reading for me or even EXERCISE.
Believe it or not, I'm aching for a run. I need it. Fattening up for the winter is for bears or something. But you would think I was prepping for hibernation. The bike might have to do. Anyway, it's footed pajama day! And pretty much anything goes AS LONG AS YOU KEEP THOSE TOOTSIES TOASTY!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
What a Beaut!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Secrets to Successful or not so Successful Parenting: What You Need to Get By

I've mentioned before my little brother and my sister-in-law are new parents. My cousin also had his first child, Caroline Victoria, in December. And my sister is due with a baby boy in February. Babies, babies everywhere. I'm trying my best not to catch the fever, so to avoid it at all costs, I try to share what I know, not experience it. I was excited to venture to help my sister register for her baby needs just this past weekend. Sometimes I look at my preschooler and toddler and marvel at how they got this far. What helped me survive in those early weeks and months? The following is a newborn survival kit of sorts Daddy and I couldn't live without at the time. 1. Pampers Swaddlers 2. Cloth Diapers -- Seems silly, but it pained me to use my monogrammed burp cloths, especially when administering meds. 3. Mylicon -- I had gassy babies. I had myself to blame. Shame on me, spicy-food-eating-nursing mother that I was. 4. Sassy Disposable Changing Pads -- These can be hard to find. Toys R Us was usually a sure bet. These are great for that early tar poo and any time anything leaked out of the diaper. I could lay these over the changing pad and prevent a mess or cover those nasty ones in public restrooms when desparate. 5. Diaper Duck Trash Bag Dispenser by Munchkin -- These are ideal while on the go. They now have simpler, less conspicuous versions, but the ducky is a great way to occupy wiggly children while diaper-changing. If you have to change in the car or there's no garbage, they hold those stinky remnants until a can presents itself. They're also great for holding vomited or pooped on clothes until you can get home to put them in the wash. 6. Gerber Nursing Pads -- These are thinner and are less visible through the shirt than most nursing pads I tried. They hold a lot considering they're so thin. 7. Boppy -- Great for nursing. Great for post-pregnancy tummy support. Great for tummy time. Great for playtime. Great. Surviving with Two: 1. Bumbo -- I didn't even think about using one when I had Millie Bug. Just didn't see any need in it, but I found it invaluable with a second child. When I had Millie, she was still in the highchair. This helped the baby build up his muscles. I could feed him in it, travel with it. Brother never really cared for tummy time, so I would sit him in it place his toys around him for play. It was also good so he could "play" with his sister and cousins. He would see them up and having a great time, and it helped him feel a part of things. 2. Baby Trend Sit and Stand LX Stroller -- Millie still needs to be secured while traveling, especially when shopping. This allows the baby to be seated and gives her the option to sit or stand. It's fairly light and oh so convenient.
New items are always coming out. It's kinda hard to keep up with it all. And it's certainly overwhelming for a new mom.
What could you mommies not live without?
New items are always coming out. It's kinda hard to keep up with it all. And it's certainly overwhelming for a new mom.
What could you mommies not live without?
Hair Pretties

Trying to get creative with the "'dos"
Having a daughter with long, curly hair is a brave and selfish thing to do as a mother. It's a fulfillment of many a dream I had while carrying my Millie Bug. You know the ones in which you imagine what your child will look like. And the daughter in my dream was barefoot, in a muslin white bishop, with dark brown, curly hair streaming halfway down her body, a large white bow and chocolate almond-shaped eyes to melt her Daddy's heart.
What was omitted from the dreams were the tangles, the cries, the difficulty of finding strong enough headbands that don't cause headaches, and the time it takes to wash, comb and dry those locks. I'm not near as adept at ponytails, parts and braids as my mom was with me. But I try.
I've recently attempted my hand at some hair pretties. Somehow I put together a silk hydrangea headpiece for a recent photo shoot -- flower hanging by a thread (figuratively) to a ribbon headband. I made Millie two sunflower clippies for her coronation as Sun Flower, Indian princess, for her Thanksgiving feast at school.

"Feast" your eyes one these!
And just before the Christmas holidays, I conquered my first hair bow. It wasn't pretty ... the process, not the bow. I mean it took me two hours, and just when I was about to cry and throw away the ribbon in frustration, it happened ... the bow. Don't know how. Don't know why. It just came to be. And I was proud. I hot-glued the clip to it and singed the ends and everything.
Hot Dog!

And ooh-la-la!
Snow Day
Well, kind of. A Louisiana snow day. And boy did it make returning to school after the holiday season pretty difficult. I tried to convince Millie Bug to stay home and snuggle with me, but that school-lovin' priss cried because she wanted to go to school ... even as I was checking the news on television and Internet, sure I had missed the announcement that schools were closed for the day.
Alas, they were not. So I shuffled my snow bunny off to pre-K and met Daddy at the doc where we were told Brother has the ... FLU!!! Bless his heart!!! He's been so lethargic and clingy but today, while the "blizzard" raged outdoors, he lifted his feeble little voice to join Barney for some lovin' and huggin' in his closing theme song before returning right back to his fever-induced sleep.
I made a yummy, hearty, warm white bean chili and a fruit salad and fresh tea to soothe our appetites as we hunkered down for the cold weather. Now, I'm up because after being up all night last night with a feverish baby, I could no longer stay awake and took a 9 p.m. nap. Not smart normally, but seeing as I'll be up throughout the night again with Brother, it was probably a good idea to recharge before the graveyard shift.
Winter has set in.
And although the snow was exciting for us Southerners, I prefered to think about the snow from early December. Bundle up! Baby, it's cold outside!

All boy. Enjoying is first play in the snow.
Yep. That's a real snowflake!

Warming up with some hot cocoa with marshmellows.

Alas, they were not. So I shuffled my snow bunny off to pre-K and met Daddy at the doc where we were told Brother has the ... FLU!!! Bless his heart!!! He's been so lethargic and clingy but today, while the "blizzard" raged outdoors, he lifted his feeble little voice to join Barney for some lovin' and huggin' in his closing theme song before returning right back to his fever-induced sleep.
I made a yummy, hearty, warm white bean chili and a fruit salad and fresh tea to soothe our appetites as we hunkered down for the cold weather. Now, I'm up because after being up all night last night with a feverish baby, I could no longer stay awake and took a 9 p.m. nap. Not smart normally, but seeing as I'll be up throughout the night again with Brother, it was probably a good idea to recharge before the graveyard shift.
Winter has set in.
And although the snow was exciting for us Southerners, I prefered to think about the snow from early December. Bundle up! Baby, it's cold outside!

All boy. Enjoying is first play in the snow.

Yep. That's a real snowflake!

Warming up with some hot cocoa with marshmellows.

Fell fast asleep ... with a chocolate mustache ... before a second romp.
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